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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

From the First Coffee Bean to the Vanilla Latte: Coffee’s Long, Global History

Posted by Julia Hettiger

Fri, Mar, 01, 2019 @ 14:03 PM

credit @boldbeancoffee 2Coffee is as universal as the air we breathe. From South America to Asia back to Europe and Africa, coffee is consumed all over the world. It’s one of the most popular drinks on the market and has been for hundreds and hundreds of years. While coffee may have been around a lot longer than researchers can prove, its earliest known use was in the 15th century in Yemen, in the Sufi Monasteries. From there, the consumption of coffee can be traced in many countries throughout history.

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Topics: International, education, coffee, coffee roasting, history of coffee roasting

The Sustainability of Ethical Business Practices in Specialty Coffee

Posted by Otto Nicli

Fri, May, 18, 2018 @ 13:05 PM

AdobeStock_110462860Now, more than ever, consumers are choosing to spend their hard-earned money on companies they know and trust. Long gone are the day of blindly purchasing products off the shelves at the local supermarket. Consumers—specifically millenials—are spending more time researching what they buy in order to positively impact the community. This is intrinsic in the specialty roasting industry. Consumers not only want to purchase coffee from shops that treat their employees with respect, they want to support companies that strive to do good in the world. Since the farming, production, and distribution of specialty coffee involves many players from all around the world, it’s easy for ethical business practices to get lost in the mix. How does a coffee roasting company ensure sustainability and ethical business practices? Although the answer is complex, it is achievable.

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Topics: coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, Successful business, tradition, legacy, International