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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

Art & Ingenuity: The Craft of Specialty Coffee Roasting

Posted by Julia Hettiger

Tue, Sep, 11, 2018 @ 10:09 AM

credit @boldbeancoffeeWith the right coffee roaster, you can optimize the roast of a green coffee to its greatest potential. By combining passion and ingenuity, roastmasters from all around the world can create delectably original roasts that stand out from the rest. The act of coffee roasting is nothing short of an artform. Roastmasters—much like potters, sculptors, and oil painters—devote countless hours to the honing of their craft until they master it.

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Topics: roaster profile, SF25, coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, Successful business, SF75, education, experience

Choosing a Commercial Coffee Roaster for Your First Coffee House

Posted by Jacqueline Gutierrez

Fri, Aug, 24, 2018 @ 07:08 AM

coffeedropAs you venture into becoming a coffee house owner, one of the primary components of your coffee house will ultimately be your roaster. Evaluating your options for a commercial coffee roaster will depend on your needs and business plans. 

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Topics: SF25, coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, roaster, Successful business, legacy, sf1, SF75, SF6, handmade, high quality, education, experience, SF10

It’s What’s Inside That Counts: How Our Roasters Stand Apart from the Rest

Posted by Otto Nicli

Thu, Jun, 07, 2018 @ 08:06 AM


The San Franciscan Roaster Company has been producing robust, high-quality coffee roasters for many years. Throughout our time in the industry, we’ve gained valuable knowledge and insight which has allowed us to produce coffee roasters that can suit the needs of even the most meticulous roastmaster. Every single one of our roasters—from the small, yet mighty SF-1 to the robust and quiet SF-75—is 100% American built and manufactured. We never compromise quality.

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Topics: commercial coffee roaster, roaster, Successful business, legacy, sf1, Local, who we are, SF75, SF6, handmade, high quality

How the San Franciscan Roaster Company Stands Apart From the Rest

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Thu, May, 17, 2018 @ 12:05 PM


Coffee roasting is a meticulously detailed process. Converting green coffee into a delicious roast takes time and precision but most importantly, it requires complete control. As with most things in this modern age, coffee roasting machines have gone on to become more automatic, more computerized in order to produce coffees at a faster pace. But coffee roasting is an art form that benefits from complete, personal control. Coffee roasters are the engines that propel any coffee shop forward. Make sure yours is built to last. The San Franciscan Roaster Company believes in the intrinsic value of handmade machines. Not only are our machines designed and built to last a lifetime, they are also incredibly beautiful. Each roastmaster should feel proud of their roaster, from how it works to how it looks. The San Franciscan Roaster Company can provide this and much more!

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Topics: SF25, coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, roaster, tradition, legacy, sf1, who we are, SF75, SF6

Roaster Profile: Rise Up Coffee

Posted by Emily McIntrye

Mon, Mar, 17, 2014 @ 14:03 PM

Yesterday, Rise Up Coffee in Maryland celebrated its 9th birthday with the arrival of a San Franciscan SF75. As the roaster took its epic journey from Fallon, Nevada, to Easton, Maryland, we at The San Franciscan Roaster got the chance to write about our interview with owner Tim Cureton about coffee, the Peace Corp, and opening a specialty coffee business in, of all places, Maryland!
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Topics: roaster profile, SF25, coffee roaster, roaster, SF75